Saturday, June 30, 2007

Special Making-Up Tips for Your Lips

If your lips are too thin and straight, apply your lipstick from slightly above the line of the upper lip and slightly below the line of the lower lip. Curve the lines slightly.

If your mouth is too small, bring your lip color a little out of the corners of the mouth.

If your lips have a bluish tinge, a yellow-tinted lipstick worn under a normal color will help. Avoid Indian pinks, bluish reds and mauvy shades.

You can 'draw out' a timid underlip by applying a dark lip color on the upper lip and a paler one on the lower lip.

For a mouth that is too pouty, reverse the coloring. This time apply a pale color on the upper lip and a darker one on the lower one.

Make your lips look fuller by using a darker and richer shade in the centre and a lighter one in the corners.

Friday, June 29, 2007

Special Making-Up Tips for Correcting Facial Flaws

  • If your nose is too long, brush a little color very carefully over the tip of the nose and nostrils. Remember to blend the color very carefully with the basic foundation so that you don't have any definite hard lines.

  • If your nose is too broad and flat, use a creamy white highlight down the centre of the nose. Brush a little color along the sides of the nose. Blend the two colors well.

  • If your face is too full, use a little blush on the high part of the cheek, closer to the nose. Blend lightly across the too­ -full area.

  • If your face is too slender, create an illusion of width. Place your rouge on the curve of the cheek, slightly away from the nose. Blend well, out and up to the temples.

  • If your face is square and heavy along the jaw line, soften the angles of the jaw line by shadowing. Pat on rouge, then blend down across the square part.

  • Apply a little rouge to shadow a bony 'bump' under the eyebrows.
    If your chin is too round, use a little blusher on both sides of the chin. This creates an illusion of diminished roundness. To give the chin a pointed look, add a highlight to the centre of the chin.
  • If your jaw is too broad, place your blush on each side of the jaw from just below your ear level down to the chin level.

  • A soft blending of rouge under the jaw line or chin takes away a heavy drooping effect. Your jaw line can look more clear-cut with this trick for the evening.

  • Lift your head and draw a light curve of blusher just under the jawbone from ear to ear. Blend well, up and inward towards the chin.

  • To accentuate the cheek bones for evening make-up, use a liquid foundation a shade lighter than usual. Apply it in little dabs on the tops of the cheek bones and on to the corners of the nose. Blend well.

  • To focus extra attention on eyes and mouth, circle the outer edge of the face very lightly with blusher. Blend with feathery strokes.

  • If you use a face powder, try substituting it with baby powder. Baby powder has a youthful sheen and transpar­ency and gives you a fresher, more natural look.

Beauty Care Equipments for Your Bedroom

Weight Scales: So that you can keep an eagle's eye on your weight. The best and most comforting time to weigh yourself is immediately as you step out of the bath (you weigh the least at that time.)
However, whatever time you pick to weigh yourself, make sure that you do it each time at approximately the same hour.

A Full-length Mirror: So that you can look at yourself critically from head to toe, keep a check on your figure and examine your posture. Always check a mirror for distortion before you buy.

Skipping Rope: Skipping is one of the best all-body exercises. It is also great for working off tension. Skipping rope should be available at any sport goods store.

Measuring Tape: So that you can keep a strict check on expanding waist lines and hips.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Beauty Care Equipments for Your Hands and Feet

Hand Lotion or Cream: To keep your hands and feet well nourished and soft. Ideally you should use your hand lotion or cream immediately after each wash. Like facial skin, skin on hands and feet also gets dry and needs nourishing, specially as you use soap on them.

Emery Board: Nicer for filing nails than a metallic file. It gives a smoother, more complete finish as it discourages ragged ends.

Nail Polish Remover: Essential for anyone who wishes to keep toe and finger nails looking their best. One great damper of an otherwise attractive appearance is half chipped, peeled or fading nail polish.

Nail polish: Nail color is an immediate 'pick up', for feet and hands. Keep at least two of your favorite colors. Avoid dark, bright reds and mauves in the summer. Winter, however, is a good time for; deep warm colors.
Avoid bizarre effects of greens, blues and blacks.

Cuticle Removers: To keep your nails neat and in a great shape. Push back cuticles with an orange stick tip wrapped in cotton wool. Remember that the nicest things come in the smallest packages. Make-up and cosmetics - especially lipsticks, eye shadows, and perfumes - get worse off with time. Only buy as much as you can use up in 2-3 months' time.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Beauty Care Equipments for Your Hair

Brush: The best your money can buy. Make sure that the bristles are of nylon and have well rounded tips. Brushes with blunt or jagged tips can hurt your scalp. Your brush should glide through dry hair just as if you were combing it with a wide-toothed comb.

Comb: It should have both wide and narrow teeth.

Dryer: Invest in a good dryer. Used well, this can be as important as your toothbrush.

Rollers: Preferably foam covered ones, if you can lay your hands on any. You will have to decide how many rollers you need yourself. If a problem arises, consult your hairdresser.

Shampoo: One that goes with your hair type and your current hair condition. Whichever you choose from the fairly wide variety you have, make sure that it is mild and contains no harsh detergents.

Conditioner: There is not much choice in conditioners in the Indian market. One reason for this is that we people have not yet become conditioner-conscious. However, what we have is fairly good. Don't let lack of variety hamper your use of conditioners.

Hair Pins or Clips: To keep your hair in place or just simply away from your face, a side-clip can sometimes be very classy and stylish in the evenings.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Beauty Care Equipments for Your Face

One Pair of Good, Effective Tweezers: Always try a tweezer before buying it. It is essential for a worthwhile tweezer to have a good grip. Remember not to tamper with the original shape of the eyebrows. Tweeze hair gently from under the eyebrows rather than from above.

Eyelash Curler: The quickest way of giving your eye a wide-­open look. Takes only a second to use and pays rich dividends.

Cake or Roll-on Mascara: For making eyes look larger and eyelashes thicker and longer. A mascara stored for a long time dries up. Remember to finish using your old mascara before buying a new one.

Eye Shadows: It is a must to have at least two favorite colors of eye shadow. Creams are better for the winter, while powders look fresher in the summers. Avoid very bright colors as these do not blend in very well with the face. Go in for muted and cloudy greys, blues or browns.

Lipstick Brush: So that you can define your mouth well. Timid mouths are bad news everywhere.

Lipsticks: At least two of your favorite colors. For the winter, pick up warm and rich browns and reds. Go paler and lighter in the summer.

Lip Gloss: To go over lipstick and make lips look softer, moister and glossier. The safest bet is a colorless gloss that can go over your favorite lipstick without altering its color, only making it more delicious.

Liquid Foundation: To disguise skin imperfections and give you. a smooth base to work on. Always remember to cover your face completely with foundation, even your eyelids and behind your ears. Your choice of foundation color should depend on your skin tone. The wrong color of foundation - be it too light or too dark - can be most unflattering.

One Blusher: It can be a powder or fluid. A blusher is most essential as it does wonders for your appearance if it is applied well. In summer or in humid climates, a powder blush is ideal as it prevents an oily, greasy look. Liquid rouge looks good in the winters.

Skin Toner: If your skin is dry; a toner is a good idea if it is used regularly. For best results, put on just after washing your face. A toner does what its name suggests ­ it tones up the skin by improving circulation.

Astringent: Only if you have an oily skin. An astringent is definitely out if you have a dry skin because it aggravates conditions of dryness. An astringent can be really refreshing in the summers. I' helps to close pores on the skin surface and discourages oiliness.

In the summers, try storing your astringent in the refrig­erator. A cool astringent is many times more refreshing than one at normal temperature.

Moisturizer: Try a baby lotion. It is the lightest moisturize)' you can use for the summers. Use a heavier one, for example, almond oil in the winters, as the cold aggravates skin dryness. A moisturizer is a must for all skin types. Don't skip moisturizing if you have an, oily skin. Moisture has nothing to do with oiliness and greasiness.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Beauty Care Equipments for Your Bath Room

Soap: One that is not harsh. Mild soaps are the safest bets. Preferably, your soap should be of an acid nature. Alkaline soaps rob your skin of the 'acid mantle' which is essential for healthy skin

Loofah or Vegetable Sponge: These are very easily avail­able. You can even make your own at home by drying a ripe green loofah in the sun and then removing the skin and seeds.

This coarse natural sponge helps slough off dead cells on the surface of the skin. It helps to scrub up and make the most rebellious and dull skins glow.

Pumice Stone: This is the volcano's gift to man. It is tremendous for cleaning elbows, knees, and feet.
Use regularly but do remember to be gentle with yourself.

Safety Razor: It is certainly not true that shaving causes a thicker or coarser regrowth of hair.
Shaving is the easiest way to get rid of unwanted body hair, though it is true that one has to repeat fairly frequently ­say, every other day.
Invest in a small ladies' razor. This is easier to use than a normal gent-sized razor and also more effective.

Bath Brushes: These are pleasant to have, but certainly not essential if you already have a loofah.
For the face, however, you could invest in a baby's soft hair brush. For the back, you would need a long-handled brush with natural bristles.

Shower Cap: It keeps your hair dry while you shower. A shower cap is very practical to use, and also inexpensive if you don't go in for dressy ones.

Baby Oil or Body Lotion: This helps the body replace all the natural oils that the skin surface may lose while bathing. Essential for well-nutritioned skin, an oil or lotion also helps the body retain whatever moisture it may have absorbed during the course of the bath. Use immediately after your bath for best results.

Bath oils: Once again, very pleasant to have but not strictly essential. Good for the skin in the winter, try to make it a part of your beauty programme. If not regularly, do use it for an occasional treat or when your body feels dry and flaky.

Talc: Essential for warm sticky summers. Try a lemon fragrance for extra freshness.

Deodorant: An absolute must for the summers. Spray-on or roll-on deodorants are decidedly not messy compared to cream deodorants.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

How to Choose Stockings and Shoes

While buying stockings, see that you buy the right size for comfort. Choose the heavier type of stockings for day wear and the finer ones for social occasions. Seamless stockings are the most popular. The color of stockings should blend not only with the color of the skin but also with the color of the clothes being worn. As with stockings, you must be sure of your size while buying shoes and walk around the store before deciding on them. Do not change the types of shoes which you wear. A girl who always wears sandals and flat heels can develop fallen arches. On the other hand, continually wearing high heels can also be harmful because the weight of the body being constantly thrown on the toes. A variation in the height of the heels is, therefore, recommended. Look after your shoes, cleaning them regularly and keeping them in good repair-particularly the heels-not only for appearance's sake but for your own comfort too.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Home Pedicure

(1) Soak the feet in warm water, adding a few drops of dettol or any other disinfectant. Scrub the toe nails with a fairly stiff nail-brush. Rub any hard skin with a pumic stone. Never try to cut hard skin as this can be dangerous. Dry the feet carefully, especially between the toes.

(2) Massage the feet with a little foot cream. (Better buy one containing menthol which is very cooling.)

(3) Apply cuticle cream around the nails.

(4) Using an orange stick, wrapped with a twist of cotton wool and dipped in cuticle remover, gently press the cuticle back. The cuticle should never be cut unless the edges are ragged.

(5) Cut the nails straight across and then smooth the edges with an emery-board. The nails should not be so short that the soft flesh at the ends of the toe is exposed.

(6) Use a little varnish remover on cotton wool to dry off the nails and remove any cream.

(7) Cotton wool pads can now be put between the toes. This is to avoid smudging-and the varnish applied, covering the whole nail and over the tip.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Easy Tips to Feet Care

Beauty starts with the feet. The most beautiful face will show the strain of tired, aching feet. They will also cause a loss of balance in your walk and promote tension and irri­tability. Never wear high heels, pointed toes, etc., as these prove harmful with difficult feet. Women usually persuade themselves to sacrifice comfort for smartness. The following simple exercises will help a great deal when the feet have been constricted in shoes a1l day.

(1) Sit with legs crossed. Rotate the feet six times towards each other and six times away from each other

(2) Sit with legs stretched, straight out in front. Bend the toes up as far as possible and then down as far as possible.

(3) Put a pencil on the floor and try to pick it up with your toes. This will strengthen the feet.

(4) Sit on a chair with feet on the floor and spread out the toes as far as you can. This will tone up the feet muscles.

If you have troubled feet, consult a chiropodist. The trouble generally is caused by a fungus and is very conta­gious. It starts by a slight redness and itching but as it gets worse the skin flakes off in white shreds. After bathing, it is essential to dry well between the toes and to dust with a medicated talcum powder. If the condition does not clear up, it is advisable to see the doctor. It is better to go to a chiropodist for the treatment of corns and ringworm toe nails. Small corns can be treated at home by applying white iodine. Avoid pressure on the corn by covering it with a special pad from lambswool.

The feet troubles never occur if you give your feet regular pedicures. Soaking the feet in warm water to which bath-salts or special foot­ salts have been added can be very soothing, but the feet should be rubbed over afterwards With methylated or eau-de-cologne spirit to counteract any softening effect. When the skin is too soft the corns or blisters easily occur. The toe nails should be given as much attention as the nails of the hands.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Manicure Routine

(1) With a piece of cotton wool soaked in nail polish re­mover wipe all varnish from the nails.

(2) Shape the nails by filing with an emery board, using the fine side, from sides to centre. If the nails break easily or are in bad condition, file them short but not too low on the sides.

(3) Brush the nails clean and apply a little cuticle cream. Soak the tips of fingers for a few minutes in warm soapy water.

4) Twist a little cotton wool round the tip of an orange stick and with this work a. little cuticle remover round the nail, gently pushing the cuticle back, lifting it slightly but being careful not to damage the new nail which is under it.

(5) Before varnishing or polishing the nails they must be cleaned of any remaining grease. For this, wipe the nails again with varnish remover.

(6) To help the varnish to last, a coat of polish base is next applied. This also gives a better finish to the final varnish. The second coat of varnish should not be applied until the base is thoroughly dry.

(7) Paint on the final varnish in one direction only, from the cuticle end to the tip of the nail.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Easy Home Cures for Nail Strengthening

(1) Take daily a dose of 1 tablespoon of unflavored gelatine.

(2) Two to three kelp tablets can be taken daily to streng­then the nails.

(3) Blue iris flowers steeped in water overnight and brushed regularly on the nails will strengthen the nails.

(4) Make an infusion of elm leaves. Steep clean nails in this preparation everyday. This will prevent brittle-ness.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Hand Massage

Hand massage and exercise both help the circulation and relieve tension and stiffness. Always massage towards the wrist using the thumb and index finger. Make small rotary movements on each joint with the little finger.

The following exercises should be practiced daily:

(I) Stretch your fingers out as tautly as possible, relax and then throw them out again. Repeat this several times.

(2) Shake your hands until they are completely relaxed and limp.

(3) Circle your hands from the wrist, making the circle as deep as possible. Repeat this several times.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Homemade Hand Paste Recipes for You

To make a protective hand paste, mix together into a paste one egg yolk, 2 teaspoons kaolin and one teaspoon almond oil. This paste can also be used on knees, elbows and feet.

Here is another hand mask, which can be applied to your hands for 10 to 15 minutes and it leaves them beauti­fully soft. Mix to a paste the following ingredients:
1 ½ tablespoon oatmeal
1 tablespoon warm water
1 teaspoon olive oil
1 teaspoon lemon juice, and
1 teaspoon glycerine

Almond hand cream is a very luxurious cream and should be used after washing your hands. Mix and melt together 2 tablespoons lanolin, 1 1/2 teaspoons cocoa butter, 1 tablespoon beeswax, 5 teaspoons light liquid paraffin and 1 teaspoon almond oil over a water bath and slowly add to it borax dissolved in water (mix 1 teaspoons borax to 2 tablespoons water and stir thoroughly so that it is dissolved completely).

Vinegar and oil when rubbed together in the hands pro­duce a magical effect.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Easy Hand Care Tips – Guide

Hands are always in evidence and however well groomed and beautiful a woman may be, the illusion is shattered if her hands are uncared for. Rough, chapped, wrinkled hands are the signs of bad health. Taking care of your hands should be a matter of habit. Palmists say that your left hand shows what you were born with while your right hand reveals what you will make of life but both hands show the world just how much care you lavish upon them or how much you neglect them.

Detergents, soap and water constantly dry the skin so try to wear rubber gloves while doing housework in the kitchen and washing up in the bathroom. Protect your hands from bad weather When going out wear cotton hand gloves or massage with a barrier cream. When you have had hands in water, dry them twice with a towel, then smooth in a hand cream or lotion at once. Keep hand lotion by kitchen sink, and in the bathroom. A very simple barrier cream can be made by mixing one cup rose water, half a cup glycerine and 2 tablespoons lemon juice. Lemon juice is a great asset to hands, softening, cleaning and bleaching them. Do not throw a squeezed half lemon away, but use it instead to rub and clean hands and elbows.

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Easy Tips and Guide for Superfluous Hair

This is frequently a problem especially after menopause. Underarm hair can be easily removed with a shaver. The simplest way to clean arms and legs is to shave but I will not recommend this as one has to shave very regularly or end up with legs like cactus plants. The use of depilatory cream is virtually the same as shaving. As far as possible avoid shaving or creaming as it cuts the hair off bluntly. Plucking is not recommended except for eyebrows or isola­ted hairs. Waxing pulls out the hair from the root and has a smooth and more lasting effect. Regular waxing weakens the growth. You can buy cold wax from the market or make it yourself. Waxing is the age-old traditional way of removing body hair in our country too. The hair are tugged out by their roots and therefore regrowth takes much longer. Waxing can be done anywhere on the body but it is more painful in some parts. Waxing is excellent for legs, arms and tidying the pubic area. It is sugges­ted to do it of tend-say once after every three to four weeks.

To make wax yourself, melt 500 gms sugar in the juice of 3 lemons and simmer very slowly until it is a medium honey color toffee mixture. Heat for 10 to 15 minutes, then remove from the heat. Add 1 1/2 teaspoons glycerine, mix and use as warm as possible. It should feel hot when applying over the skin, but should not be unbear­able. Sit with legs in front of you and a pan of wax close at hand. Do one leg at a time, working upwards from ankle to knee. The strip should be 4.5 centimeter wide. The strips of wax are applied on the skin with the back of a spoon or spatula going against the direction in which the hair grow. The strip is allowed to cool and is patted briskly to make sure it is gripping the hair underneath, and then pull the cloth quickly bringing the hair with it. Sometimes, the pores look red for a few hours after waxing. Rubbing the waxed area regularly with bath mitt will keep the skin soft. The best way to learn waxing is to have a couple of treatments done at a good beauty salon and watch the technique carefully. When you {eel confi­dent, do waxing at home yourself.

Friday, June 8, 2007

Tips for Your Personal Freshness

This is an essential part of being well groomed. Everyone perspires, some more than others, but the average amount is about two pints a day. There are millions of sweat glands all over the body but they are microscopicalJy small and the sweat they produce is clear and watery. The glands in the armpits are fewer but larger and perspiration there is whitish with a distinctive odour. A daily bath is a help but it is not sufficient because decomposition takes place in about six hours and a daily bath means waiting for 24 hours in winter and minimum for 12 hours in summer.

Soap and water are good for getting rid of accumulated perspiration odours but they cannot safeguard you against the perspiration that will begin to exude again as soon as you are dry and dressed. A deodorant will help to get rid of odour, but it won't check perspiration from forming. An anti-perspirant, on the other hand, gets to the root of the problem by actually preventing perspiration from forming. It virtually seals the tiny sweat glands in one way or another so that the perspiration cannot escape and therefore cannot smell. An anti-perspirant is therefore essential for any girl or woman who is fastidious about personal freshness. These are available as roll-on products, sprays, creams, and pat-on lotions. Whichever type or brand you choose, however, remember that it will only be effective on smooth, hair-free skin, so regular defusing is essential.

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Natural Slimming Aids - Recipes

(1) Make a strong infusion of fennel and drink it instead of tea. Chewing fresh fennel leaves also reduce the appetite.

(2) Dandelion leaves are known for their slimming and diuretic properties. Make a strong infusion and drink twice or thrice a day.

(3) Potato juice is a miraculous drink for slimming and cures constipation caused by dieting. Drink a glass of potato juice each morning.

(4) Rub ice on arms, legs and the body. Ice pack tones up the body and helps the slimming process. Try this during hot summer days.

Monday, June 4, 2007

A Slim and Alert Body

More than 60 per cent of the human body is composed of muscles and bones. To keep your posture healthy it is vital to keep these two components in good order. If we let our muscles go slack, the body structure will be weakened and will start to curve. It is important for us to know how to stand, sit and hold ourselves. Bad posture and unbalanced body structure lead to tension in the neck, shoulders and spine. To keep your body alert and straight, when sitting avoid deep, squashy armchairs. When sitting knees should always be higher than the hip joints. Always sleep on a firm mattress as a soft one will allow your spine to sag and bend.

Stress and tension are partners and a part of the world in which we live. Fear, anxiety, pressure of work and domestic problems contribute to a state of tension and such a situation causes both mental and physical pain and distress. Good sleep is the best immediate cure for tension. Inhaling fresh air and simple warming up exercises also help relieving tension. Learn to relax both mind and muscles for permanent cure. By taking a hot bath or listening to your favorite music, you can relieve your tension to some extent. If you feel sudden tension, take deep breaths. The extra oxygen released into the blood stream and the brain has a calming effect. Massage is also a useful aid to relaxation.

There are about 600 muscles in a woman's body comp­rising approximately 35 per cent of the body weight. These muscles need regular exercise and massage to maintain strength and elasticity. Without exercise and massage muscles decrease in size and attract excess fat around them.

Many girls put on excess weight between the age of 14 and 18-usually because this is the time when their bodies undergo a natural adjustment. Young married women, too, often find themselves overweight after their first baby. Provided there is nothing organically wrong, a good figure can soon be regained with a little effort. Whatever the cause of overweight, before taking any steps to reduce it must be decided how much is really superfluous. The following procedure will show you how to decide this, and the proportions at which to aim.

Measure your bust, waist and hips. Ideally, bust and hips should be nearly the same measurements and certainly the hip size should not exceed the bust by more than two inches. The waist should roughly be ten inches smaller than the bust. Next weigh yourself. Excess weight is often caused more by eating the wrong kind of food than by eating too much. Reducing your weight by balancing your diet is the safest method of all. To live a healthy life, cer­tain foods should be taken regularly. For proteins, take meat, fish, eggs, cheese, milk and lentils. Bread, rice, sweets, pastries, fats and sugar contain a rich quantity of carbohydrates. For vitamins and mineral salts take vege­tables and fruits.

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