Monday, July 2, 2007

Special Making-Up Tips for Your Eyes

Before tweezing your eyebrows use lots of moisturizer on them. Rub it in well and leave it there for 10-15 minutes before tweezing.

When you shampoo your hair, wash your eyebrows too. Don't neglect them.

Use a blusher across your earlobes, your elbows, cleavage and heels for an exciting evening. Just a touch of color that is well-blended makes them sexy, rosy and young.

Never spend a day in the sun without sunglasses. Unprotected eyes can lose 50% of their night vision after one day out in the sun. Good sunglasses have got to be really dark,

In winter use pearly-grey and shell-beige eye shadows. Avoid white highlighters as they're too harsh.

If you wear false eyelashes, make them look natural by brushing both the false and real lashes with a little mascara after putting them on.

Using a heavy eyeliner dates you. Today, the more natural and subtle look is in. Instead of using a liner, draw the thinnest possible line at the roots of the eyelashes with a soft dark brown eye shadow.


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