For optimal skin and hair health, as well as your overall wellbeing-avoid body-care products that contain synthetic chemicals. In this century, mass-market-oriented cosmetics manufacturers have replaced natural substances with less expensive synthetic ingredients. Instead of delicate almond oil, for example, a conventional moisturizer is likely to contain mineral oil, a petroleum by-product that clogs pores. Soothing skin toners such as rosewater and witch hazel have been replaced with harsh chemicals such as acetone the active ingredient in nail-polish remover. In fact, a wide range of well-known cancer-causing chemicals such as formaldehyde and talc are routinely used in commercial cosmetics. Not only can these chemicals cause dryness, irritation, and allergic reactions, but your skin (including your scalp) is more than just a covering for your body-it is, in fact, your largest organ and readily absorbs about 60 percent of any substance that is applied to it. The most healthful and prudent approach is to choose your body-care products as carefully as you choose the foods you eat.
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