Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Emma Roberts Black Hairstyle, Fashion Style, Makeup

Teen Actress Emma Roberts Black Hairstyle, Fashion Style and Makeup 2009

Anyone who has seen the teen actress Emma Roberts can tell that she likes to march too her won beat. Emma has a signature style that is all her own. Emma’s hair is generally various shades of brown from light to dark. Currently Emma is wearing dark brown hair and she does different things with it. Emma does like to wear ponytails and she may wear them straight to the back, she might throw in a die part or she may just wear a loose pony tail. Emma is not afraid to showcase her beautiful black hair. She wears it sleek and straight at times with a simple bang or part down the middle. She also looks great when she prefers to wear it wavy and long and allow it to cascade down her back.
Emma Roberts

Emma Roberts has a very pale complexion so she is able to do different things with her makeup. She can wear bright red lipstick to a red carpet event or when she chooses to be subtle she can go without lipstick. Like most ladies occasionally she likes to highlight her eyes so she may up her level of eye liner and mascara to get the look she wants. Many people know Emma Roberts as Julia Robert’s niece but she has come onto the scene made her own identity and grabbed a following of loyal fans. Emma Roberts is a beautiful young lady that continues to showcase her distinctive style and fashion sense. Emma is not afraid to be a little different and her choices work very well for her.


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